Meet me

Hi, great to meet you!
this is me in my natural environment, sorry about the mess 😀

I’m Luisa Fumi (née Vallon), an Italian-born physicist who decades ago moved to beautiful Munich, the capital of Bavaria and of the best beer 🙂

Despite my scientific education I was always fascinated by the subtle charm and the powerful magic of pictures and graphics of all kinds: photographs, drawings, paintings, engravings, even calligraphy… virtually everything you can put on paper – or on a computer monitor.

And of course I’m terribly fond of their natural milieu: books, thousands of paper books stacked up in every corner of the home, an inexhaustible source of fun, knowledge and inspiration.

It’s an addiction, one never gets enough of it. And it’s highly contagious: husband and son are long since hopelessly infected.
Thus watch out: staying too long on my websites might get you infected with this irreversible passion too – forewarned is forearmed 🙂

(and this is my ghost 😉 )